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If you are invited to join an organization on MuckRock you will receive an email with a URL that you can use to accept (or reject) the invitation.

Find your invitation

The email will come from “[email protected]” with a subject line like “Invitation to Join The Testing Times” (except “The Testing Times” should be the name of the organization you’re collaborating with).

When you click the link in that invitation, you will be prompted to create a new account, or log in if you already have one.

This screenshot shows an invitation to a MuckRock organization called “David McKie’s Research Methods” — your invitation will name a different MuckRock organization (unless you’re enrolled in Prof McKie’s class.)

This screenshot shows an invitation to a MuckRock organization called “David McKie’s Research Methods” — your invitation will name a different MuckRock organization (unless you’re enrolled in Prof McKie’s class.)

Create your account and log in

When you click through from the invite in your inbox, you’ll see the invitation above on MuckRock. Your instructor will be able to tell you what the name of the organization is — it won’t be “The Testing Times.”

When you click through from the invite in your inbox, you’ll see the invitation above on MuckRock. Your instructor will be able to tell you what the name of the organization is — it won’t be “The Testing Times.”

Accept the Invitation

After you create your account or log in, you should see a green alert window, inviting you to view your invitation. If you dismiss green alert, you may need to look back at your email to find the link that will let you accept the invitation.

This screenshot shows an un-handled invitation to join an organization called “Democracy Day 2022” — if you create an account and log in, but don’t click the link that was in the email from MuckRock, you’ll still see the invitation in a green box when you’re logged in to accounts.muckrock.com.

This screenshot shows an un-handled invitation to join an organization called “Democracy Day 2022” — if you create an account and log in, but don’t click the link that was in the email from MuckRock, you’ll still see the invitation in a green box when you’re logged in to accounts.muckrock.com.

If you are not seeing that green alert, or you think you already dismissed it by accident, you can still join. Go back to your email, find that invitation, and try the “click here to accept…” link again.

If you’re already logged in…

If you are already logged in, the “click here to accept” link will take you straight to a page where you will have the option to accept or reject the invitation.



You can associate multiple email addresses with one MuckRock Account, but an invitation will only show up if the email address associated with the invitation is attached to your account.

If the invitation was sent to an email address that is not already associated with you on MuckRock Accounts, you can use the edit email option in your MuckRock accounts profile to add email addresses to your account.