<aside> 📚 See our other Guides and Manuals: Get the Most Out of MuckRock and DocumentCloud for more tips and tricks on getting the most out of MuckRock tools. And if this was helpful to you, consider making a donation to support our work!


If you’re the primary administrator for a MuckRock organization

If you need to hand the reins to someone else in your newsroom, start by making sure they have a MuckRock account and have been added to your MuckRock organization. See https://www.documentcloud.org/help/faq/#organizations if you aren’t sure how to do that.

Then, from your own account page at https://accounts.muckrock.com/users/ you should be able to select the org that you want to hand over.

Under “Manage Members,” look for the new administrator and tick the “Admin” box next to their name and save your changes.

The new (incoming) administrator can remove you as admin by following those same steps to access the “Manage Members” screen and remove you as an admin.

What happens to your documents?

See Advanced Account Management for details.

If you’re handing off a DocumentCloud project and have a bunch of documents to transfer, that’s a lot easier to do before you leave the organization. Select the documents, click “Change Owner” and follow the instructions. If you are moving a lot of documents to a new owner, under Add-Ons search for “Move Account” and follow the instructions there.

If the admins have left the newsroom

Contact Support!